Please print the Procedure for Hook Up pdf - property owners will need to submit a signed copy to the LSD bookkeeper. The LSD recommends you keep a copy for yourself too.
Apply for connection to the district bookkeeper by e-mailing “Application for Sewer Service” to [email protected] or mail to PO Box 302 Lincolnville, ME 04849
A trustee or trustee representative will evaluate and confirm the EDU rate with a site visit if necessary.
An invoice will be sent to you for your connection and inspection fee.
The connection fee must be paid in full. This Hook-up Procedure document must be signed by you and returned to the bookkeeper.
Must notify the Manager no less than 24 hrs in advance before any work can begin. (207-930-5300)
All Connections need to be verified and approved by Superintendent Mike Harris (207-664-4404) before any work can be covered over. Pictures are required - submit them to Superintendent.
Any tank that needs to have a sewer pipe installed, must be sealed with Drylok.
Insulate all sewer pipes less than 4 ft. deep with 2” blue board. Pictures are required - submit to Superintendent Mike Harris (207-664-4404).
Procedure for properties with a Pump Station:
Remove pump; inspect, grease, and spin motor. Empty and vacuum tank of all dirt and stones. Install the pump, fill the tank with water, and assure the pump is functioning properly.
Seal Lid: Close up the tank. Make lid watertight with Asphalt based Roofing-Tar caulk. (It helps if the tank is warm). Apply caulk into the joint on the TOP of the lid where lid and tank meet. DO NOT seal on the bottom of the lid. Pictures required - submit to [email protected]. *See note #1.
Insulate the top of the tank with 2” blue board. Pictures required - submit to [email protected]. Notify the Manager (207-930-5300) when System is connected and approved by Superintendent. The valve must be opened by the district.
Fill in trench, etc. Grade as to contractors’ specs.
Provide District and property owner with an accurate Record Drawing, illustrating all sewer lines, lateral, and or pump stations in relation to the house, including depth. * See note #2.
Empty; then remove or fill the old tank. Pictures required - submit to [email protected], within 90 days of connection. [email protected] *See note #3
Congratulations, you have now completed a successful connection to the Lincolnville Sewer! Thank you for your help and dedication to this endeavor!!!
*The following notes in the Contractor Procedures are the property owner’s responsibility: *1. Once your Pump Station is closed and sealed, the district has a closed system. If for any reason the seal needs to be broken, the district must be notified ASAP. Tanks need to be re-sealed no later than 10 days after a broken seal. Pictures required - submit to [email protected]. A fee of $10/week will be imposed until the requirement is fulfilled. *2. Record drawings must be received within 10 days of the connection date, or within 30 days of a written notice to do so. A fee of $10/week will be imposed until the requirement is fulfilled. *3. Tanks not emptied, filled, or removed within 90 days of connection date or within 30 days of written notice to do so, will be subject to a $50/month fee until the requirement is fulfilled.